Posted by: Jo | August 31, 2010

GACKT – YFC Update + Swimsuit Festival Pics!

So, I’ve completed the last of the YFC Reports, and may I just say how amazing this whole tour has been. The reports speak better than I could of course.
If you’re tired of reading the ones from Europe, there are reports for the rest of the Japan tour, including the Mizugi (or Swimsuit) Final. Lots of surprised in this live, such as 3 extra songs, Hawaiian shirts, and more~
Of course, you should read more to find out what other surprises were in store ;] *being Do-S*

There’s no report for the Atsugi (or Thick-Layer) Festival, but word gets around and well… it was very interesting ;D
For one, the band all wore yukata (a preview can be found on Jun-ji’s blog), there were ice sculptures, and two extra songs were performed: Road and The Next Decade.
Thanks to excused_early at the Oh GACKT You Didn’t! Com. for the highlights!
Atsugi Festival Highlights

And thanks to tenshin26100 for compiling the pictures together~!
YFC Mizugi Pics


  1. Oh my. so many MindAsWellBeNakid sweaty people xDD
    Its a good thing.. or maybe I should say necessary thing, that they split the men from women. Though I’m sure it wouldn’t have been considered breaking the rules if GACKT and JOB went wading in the girls end x3

  2. LOL there’s so much… skin in audience. XD I love it! Not in a perverted way. But oh, I feel so bad when I see him with that eye patch. T_T

  3. Oh my God… Thank you so much, Jo, for the llink to those delicious (lol!) pictures. I can die happy now *grins*

    I’m especially fond of this one:

    I didn’t even notice the eye patch lol. I was too focused on his naked chest ^.^

    • Nicola: That’s my personal favorite too .///.

  4. Hehe, seriously I would love a poster size version of that for my bedroom wall LOL ^.^

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